הפרסומים שלי

חוקרת ראשית וחוקרת עמיתה בפרויקטים הבאים:

2019 – Co-investigator, Bringing disability experiences front stage: piloting research-based theatre strategy to promote equity and social change in healthcare professions, $4,996 department funding.

2019 – Co- Principal investigator – Developing screen-time guidelines and intervention for parents and clinicians of children with Autism.

2019 – Co-investigator (PI: Tal Jarus): “Increasing accessibility and equity in health and human service educational programs – what are the best instructional practices in clinical education?”. Equity and Inclusion Office UBC.

2019 – Advisory committee member, (PI’s: Susan Cox and Michael Lee) “Graduate Supervisory Relationships: Creating Space for Dialogue and Wellbeing through Theatre”, $49,860 funded by the Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF).

2019 – Co-investigator, (PI: Tal Jarus) Diversifying the teaching assistant workforce: Disabled experiences. $3,000 Canadian Union of Public Employees funding.

 2019 – Co-investigator, (PI: Tal Jarus), Bringing disability experiences front stage: piloting research-based theatre strategy to promote equity and social change in healthcare professions, $4,996 department funding.

 2018 – Co-investigator, What’s Up? Fostering communication skills for children with autism using a virtual reality game

 April 2018- August 2019 – Post-doctoral fellow, the Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy department, the University of British Columbia, $45,000, operational funding for one year of fellowship.

 2017-2018 – Visiting scholar at the Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy department, the University of British Columbia.

2009- 2015 – Co-investigator  – Enhancing the resilience of inner city youth with a large scale school-based intervention programs (PhD project).  

2015-2016 – Principal investigator (Co-PI Michelle Slone). The developmental conditions of the “Children’s Warehouses,” the unregulated daycare centers for children of migrant workers and asylum seekers in Israel, $12,000, UNHCR, UNICEF and Mesila research grant.

March 2015 – Chair of the scientific committee The children of the transparent community: present condition and a glance to the future conference. Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.

2012-2015 – Advisory committee member (PI’s: Michelle Slone and Tamar Shwartz) – Mapping the risk and protective factors of children of migrant workers.

2012-2014 – Advisory committee member –  (PI: Michelle Slone) – Enhancing communication between parents and their teenage children. Evaluation study of a resilience-based program. $10,000 Adler centre grant, Tel-Aviv University.

March 2012 – Member of the scientific committeeNot Like a Stranger: Children of Migrant Workers in Israel, Characteristics and Social and Clinical Dilemmas conference. Tel-Aviv University, Israel.

2012-2013 – Principle investigator (Co-PI: Michelle Slone) – Alternatives for arrest and imprisonment of the children of migrant workers and asylum seekers.


מאמרים בכתבי-עת מדעיים

  1. Battalova, A., Bulk, L., Mayer, Y., Hole, R., Krupa, T., Lee, M., & Jarus, T. (2019). “I can understand where they’re coming from”. How clinicians’ disability experiences shape their interaction with clients. Qualitative Health Research. Accepted. 
  2. Bulk, L., Tikhonova, J., Mayer, Y., Batalova, A., Gagnon, J., Krupa, T., Lee, M., Nimmon, L., & Jarus, T. (2019). Disabled healthcare professionals’ diverse, embodied, and socially embedded experiences. Advances in Health Sciences Education.
  3. Slone, M. & Mayer, Y. (2015). Gender differences in mental health consequences of exposure to political violence among Israeli adolescents. Children and Youth Services Review, 58, 170-178. SA 70%
  4. Meir (Mayer), Y., Slone, M., & Levis, M. (2014). A randomized controlled study of a group intervention program to enhance mental health of children of illegal migrant workers. Child and Youth Care Forum, 43(2), 165-180. 
  5. Slone, M., Meir (Mayer), Y., & Tarrasch, R. (2013). Individual differences in referral for help for severe emotional difficulties in adolescence. Children and Youth Services Review, 35, 1854–1861. 
  6. Meir (Mayer), Y., Slone, M., & Lavi, I. (2012). Children of illegal migrant workers: Life circumstances and mental health. Children and Youth Services Review, 34, 1546–1552. 
  7. Meir (Mayer), Y. Slone, M., Levis, M., Reina, L., & Livni, B. D. Y. (2012). Crisis intervention with children of illegal migrant workers threatened with deportation. Professional Psychology: Research & Practice, 43(4), 298-305. FA 75%
  8. Shechner, T., Slone, M., Meir (Mayer), Y., & Kalish, Y. (2010). Relations between social support and psychological and parental distress for lesbian, single heterosexual by choice, and two-parent heterosexual mothers. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 80(3), 283-292.

פרקים ודו"חות מחקר​

  1. Slone, M., Mayer, Y., & Giladi, A. (2019). Teachers as agents of clinical practice during armed conflict. Accepted.
  2. Meir (Mayer), Y., & Slone, M. (2013). Developmental risks and mental health consequences of illegal status for children of migrant workers. In J. Ho (Ed.), Immigrants: Acculturation, socioeconomic challenges and cultural psychology (pp. 51- 65). New     York: Nova Publications.
  3. Mayer, Y., Slone, M., & Lari-Aviram, T. (2016). Enhancing communication between parents and their teenage children. Evaluation study of a resilience-based program. Tel Aviv: Tel-Aviv University. (In Hebrew).
  4. Mayer, Y., & Slone, M. (2016). Mapping of physical, educational and developmental conditions in the “Children’s Warehouses”: The unregulated nursery schools for children of migrant workers and asylum seekers in Israel. Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University.
  5. Mayer, Y., & Slone, M. (2016). “Children’s Warehouses” (“The Babysitters”): Status and examination of the effectiveness of the pedagogical program for nursery school teachers. Tel Aviv: Tel-Aviv University.
  6. Mayer, Y. (2015). The Invisible Babies. The migrant: The Association for Human Rights
  7. Berman, Y., Mayer, Y., & Ilan, R. (2014). Alternatives for arrest of migrants in Israel. Expert report from the centre for Support for Foreign Workers. Hotline for Migrant Workers, Physicians for Human Rights, Israeli Children Project of the Association for Civil Rights and the UN Commissionership for Refugees. EU supported project.
  8. Mayer, Y. (2012). The psychological impacts of arrest and imprisonment on children. Expert report for the Committee for State Comptroller. (In Hebrew).       

הרצאות בכנסים מדעיים

  1. Bulk, L., Tikhonova, J., Mayer, Y., Batalova, A., Gagnon, J., Krupa, T., Lee, M., Nimmon, L. & Jarus, T. (2019, August). Disabled healthcare professionals’ diverse, embodied, and socially embedded experiences. Occupational Science Europe Conference. Amsterdam, NL.
  2. Bulk, L., Tikhonova, J., Mayer, Y., Batalova, A., Gagnon, J., Krupa, T., Lee, M., Nimmon, L., & Jarus, T. (2019, May). Disabled healthcare professionals’ diverse, embodied, and socially embedded experiences. Nordic Network on Disability Research Conference. Copenhagen, DK. 
  3. Mayer, Y., Jarus, T., Shalev, M., Battalova, A., Bulk, L.Y, Nimmon, L., Lee, M., Gurdeep, P., Khairati, F., & Yang, M. (2019, June). “I know what I need, you just have to ask”: The sources, types and tensions in social support processes of people with disabilities is healthcare professions. The Canadian Disability Studies Association-Association canadienne d'etudes sur le handicap (CDSA-ACÉI) 2019 Annual Conference, Vancouver, CA. 
  4. Mayer, Y., Jarus, T., Shalev, M., Battalova, A., Bulk, L.Y, Parhar, G., Lee, M., & Nimmon, L. (2019, April). Identity formation processes of Healthcare Students and Clinicians with Disabilities in their Educational Journeys. In Canadian Conference on Medical Education. Niagara Falls, Ontario.
  5. Mayer, Y., Jarus, T., Shalev, M., Battalova, A., Bulk, L.Y, Nimmon, L. & Lee, M. (2019, April). Social Support Processes of Students and Clinicians with Disabilities in Healthcare Educational Journeys. In Canadian Conference on Medical Education, Niagara Falls, Ontario.
  6. Mayer, Y., Jarus, T., Shalev, M., Lee, M., Battalova, A., Yvonne Bulk, L., Nimmon, L., Parhar, G., Khairati, F., and Yang, M. (2019, May). “This is ME”: Professional Identity formation processes of disabled healthcare students and clinicians. Nordic Network on Disability Research Conference. Copenhagen, DK, 2019.
  7. Jarus, T., Belliveau, G., Mayer, Y., Cook, C., Bulk, L., Graf, H., Lee, M., & Hershier, L. (2019, May). “Alone in the ring”: Bringing disability experiences in healthcare professions to the theatre front stage. Nordic Network on Disability Research Conference. Copenhagen, DK, 2019.
  8. Jarus, T.,  Belliveau, G., Mayer, Y., Cook, C., Bulk, L., Graf, H., Lee, M., Hershier, L. (2019, June) “Alone in the ring”: Research-Based Theatre as a tool to promote inclusion and equity for people with disabilities in healthcare professions. the Canadian Disability Studies Association-Association canadienne d'etudes sur le handicap (CDSA-ACÉI) 2019 Annual Conference,  Vancouver, CA.
  9. Jarus, T., Lee, M., Bulk, L., Murphy, S., Mayer, Y., Battalova, A. (2018, October). Strategies for the Inclusion of disabled people in health education and professions. 24th ENOTHE annual meeting, Portugal.
  10. Mayer, Y., Jarus, T., Shalev, M., Battalova, A., Bulk, L. Y, Nimmon, L., Lee, M. (2018, October). Perceived social support processes of students and clinicians with disabilities in healthcare educational and professional journeys. In CHES (Centre for Health Education Scholarship) Celebration of Scholarship Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia.
  11. Bulk, L. Y, Tikhonova, J., Gagnon, J., Battalova, A., Roberts, E., Mayer, Y., Lee, M., Krupa, T., & Jarus, T. (2018, April). Disabled healthcare professionals’ diverse, individual, embodied, and socially embedded experiences. In the Canadian Conference on Medical Education, Halifax, Nova Scotia. 
  12. Ilan, R., Mayer, Y., & Slone, M. (2016, May). The developmental conditions of “The Children’s Warehouses,” the unregulated daycare centres for children of migrant workers and asylum seekers in Israel. In The Ruppin Migration International Conference, The Ruppin Academic Centre, Kfar Monash, Israel.
  13. Mayer, Y. (2015, April). Parent-child treatment for a child with mental and physical disabilities. In Psychotherapy for Children with Mental, Physical and Intellectual Disabilities Conference, The Issie Shapiro Centre for Disabilities, Rannana, Israel.
  14. Mayer, Y. (2015, March). Taking research into practice. In The children of the transparent community: present condition and a glance to the future Conference, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.
  15. Mayer, Y. (2013, May). Parent-child play group. In Therapeutic work with parents of children diagnosed with Autism Conference, The Children at Risk Association, Ha'bama centre, Ganei-Tikva, Israel.
  16. Mayer, Y. (2012, March). Split identities: group therapy with children of migrant workers.  In Not like a stranger: Children of Migrant Workers in Israel, Characteristics and Therapeutic Dilemmas Conference, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
  17. Slone, M., & Mayer, Y. (2012, March). Resilience of undocumented children: Global and local findings on their life circumstances and psychological adjustment. In Not Like a Stranger: Children of Migrant Workers in Israel: Characteristics and Therapeutic Dilemmas Conference, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
  18. Mayer, Y. (2012, November). Psychological consequences of detention and deportation practices on children of illegal migrant workers. In “Children not Behind Bars” Conference, Kibbutzim College, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  19. Mayer, Y. (2012, February). Vulnerability, Competition and Freedom in Group Therapy with Refugee Children. In Vulnerability, Competition and Freedom in Groups, the Annual Conference of the Israeli Group Therapy Association, Ramat-Efal, Israel.
  20. Mayer, Y., Schwarts, T., & Slone, M. (2011, February). Resilience-based Group Therapy with Children of Migrant Workers. Group Therapy with Children. The Israeli Group Therapy Association Annual Conference, Ramat-Efal, Israel.

הצגות בוועדות הממשלה

  1. Mayer, Y. (February, 2014). Arrest alternatives for children of migrant workers.  Committee for Children’s Rights, Israeli Parliament, Jerusalem, Israel.
  2. Mayer, Y. (February, 2012). Psychological implications of arrest and imprisonment on refugee children and youth. Committee for Children’s Rights, Israeli Parliament, Jerusalem, Israel.

ארגון כנסים מקצועיים

March 2015, The children of the transparent community: present condition and a glance to the future. Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel

March 2012,  Not Like a Stranger: Children of Migrant Workers in Israel, Characteristics and therapeutic dilemmas. Tel Aviv University, Israel